Slide Restoration Seed
Capital Facility

Restoration Seed
Capital Facility

Making investments in forest restoration happen

The Restoration Seed Capital Facility supports the early stage development of forest landscape restoration (FLR) projects in developing countries to contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation, halting biodiversity loss and the creation of sustainable livelihoods.

The objective of the Restoration Seed Capital Facility is to stimulate more private investments in forest landscape restoration, through helping to set up new FLR aligned investment funds, building strong and investable pipelines, and making sure that more projects reach financial close.

Our mission

Developing early stage pipeline opportunities into investment ready projects carries significant risk. Investors and project developers often lack the funding to bring such projects to an investment ready stage. The result is a limited pipeline of projects and therefore reduced investments in the sector.

RSCF provides targeted support to fund managers and investment advisors to grow the pool of FLR-focused funds. We tackle the de-risking of early stage project development and pipeline building to increase investment opportunities and mobilize more private capital towards impactful and bankable projects.


ArbaroAdvisors logo
Ecotierra logo
Campo Capital logo
impact earth logo

mn USD mobilized private capital


sustainable forestry and carbon projects supported that have reached financial close


k ha of natural habitat protected and restored

Impact of RSCF supported projects at financial close

77 million USD mobilized private capital

5 supported projects that have reached financial close

8,900 ha of natural habitat protected and restored

Projected impact of investments currently under support

79 m USD forestry and carbon projects under development

11 sustainable forestry and carbon projects to be supported

875,500 ha of natural habitat to be protected and restored

A facility of

UNEP logo

Managed by

FS UNEP Collaborating Centre logo

Our mission

Early-stage project development in the land use sector in tropical forest areas accounts for significant risk and thus lacks available funding. This results in a limited pipeline of investment opportunities and, therefore, reduced investments in the sector.

RSCF accounts for the specifics of the sector. We tackle the de-risking of early stage project development and pipeline building to thus increase the investment opportunities and catalyze more private capital to the sector.

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Funded by

IKI logo
Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg logo