New Forests investment in Thailand

RSCF partner New Forests has announced the first investment for its Tropical Asia Forest Fund 2 (TAFF2). This project, which has benefitted from the Facility’s support in its development, will contribute to conserving and restoring the Kuan Kreng Landscape (KKL) in Thailand....

Restoration Seed Capital Facility Annual Report 2022

RSCF has achieved significant environmental and social impacts in its first full year of operations, with four partners onboarded and new interest in the Facility’s support creating a positive outlook for 2023. Read more about RSCF’s supported activities, partners and future priorities in the Facility’s Annual...

A Community-First Approach to Landscape Restoration

Ecotierra places communities at the heart of its approach to landscape restoration. Founded in 2011, Ecotierra works directly with small-scale producers to support sustainable land use practices that drive local economic development, combat climate change and reverse land degradation. However, in order to expand this...

Scene with different jungle plants, a mountain and blue sky in the background

Partner Announcement: SWC and New Forests

New Partners approved by RSCF to Accelerate Private Investments in Landscape Restoration Frankfurt and Geneva, 1 December 2022. The Restoration Seed Capital Facility (RSCF) has approved The Shared Wood Company (SWC) and New Forests as two new partners to qualify for the Facility’s support. The Facility will provide SWC and New Forests with...

Forest landscape with hills in the background

Forests as the panacea

The dilemma between protection and utilization Abstract Corporates are committing large amounts of financing for forest protection and restoration; The increasing number of urban dwellers, mainly in developing countries, will drive timber consumption to unseen levels in the next decades; Existing forests and plantations are unlikely to feed the...