Scene with different jungle plants, a mountain and blue sky in the background

Partner Announcement: SWC and New Forests

New Partners approved by RSCF to Accelerate Private Investments in Landscape Restoration Frankfurt and Geneva, 1 December 2022. The Restoration Seed Capital Facility (RSCF) has approved The Shared Wood Company (SWC) and New Forests as two new partners to qualify for the Facility’s support. The Facility will provide SWC and New Forests with...

Financing Sustainable Land Use Through Knowledge Exchange

On 22 and 23 November 2022, the Restoration Seed Capital Facility team hosted an in-person Land Use Finance Knowledge Exchange Event in Cambridge, U.K. together with the AGRI3 Fund and UNEP-WCMC's Environmental and Social Knowledge Exchange Network (ESKEN) community.   The two-day, peer-to-peer learning event brought together...

Forest landscape with hills in the background

Forests as the panacea

The dilemma between protection and utilization Abstract Corporates are committing large amounts of financing for forest protection and restoration; The increasing number of urban dwellers, mainly in developing countries, will drive timber consumption to unseen levels in the next decades; Existing forests and plantations are unlikely to feed the...

Landscape with a lake and trees in Vietnam

Land Use Finance Impact Hub

A collection of tools and guidance to help you harmonise environmental and social impact monitoring for sustainable land use finance, developed by the UN Environment Programme. The Impact Hub is a resource developed with and for impact fund and other sustainably-focused financial institutions and...

Jungle scene with palms and a waterfall

Partner Announcement: Arbaro Advisors and Ecotierra

The Restoration Seed Capital Facility supports Arbaro Advisors and Ecotierra Frankfurt, November 9th, 2021. The Restoration Seed Capital Facility (RSCF) has approved Arbaro Advisors and Ecotierra as its first two partners to qualify for the Facility’s support. The co-funding provided by the Facility will boost the efforts of these fund managers in...

Landscape with water and palm trees

RSCF Brochure

A new facility to promote investment in forest landscape restoration Supporting forest restoration in developing countries, contributing to climate adaptation and mitigation, biodiversity, and sustainable livelihoods. Learn more ...

Forest landscape and a road from above

Investing in Forest Restoration, Investing in our Future

Why is the RSCF needed? More investment in forest restoration is needed: The scale of the challenge of deforestation and land degradation is daunting. Objectives will not be met without significant investment, public and private. The Restoration Seed Capital Facility is a financing facility aiming to promote...

Different plants and trees in a jungle scene

RSCF Launch Event & Video

Learn more about RSCF's mission in this video published along with the launch. Launch Video Launch Event Listen back to the UNEP Launch Event of the Restoration Seed Capital Facility here. ...